How well our heart functions depends not only on the condition of the heart but on the complete cardiovascular system that comprises of the heart together with arteries and veins. The passage of blood flow has to be kept clear from any kind of obstacles that might throttle it and in turn weaken the heart. Overlooking the problems of the venous system that manifest in the form of spider veins and varicose veins can have serious repercussions on the heart and can aggravate cardiovascular problems. It is therefore important to pay close attention to the problems related to venous insufficiency.

Venous insufficiency

If you have a problem of swelling legs that tend to become a chronic problem then there are high chances of being diagnosed with Chronic Venous Insufficiency.  Besides swelling of legs you might experience leg ulcers, increased pressure and discoloration of skin and experience heavy flow of blood in the area which is normally termed as blood pooling. Taking proper care of veins and treating the conditions of venous insufficiency can ensure a sound cardiovascular system.

What causes spider veins?

Spider veins and varicose veins show up as abnormally dilated blood vessels caused by weakening of walls of blood vessels. If you have a history of blood clots or your profession entails standing for extended hours then you could be susceptible to spider veins and varicose veins. The other reasons could be obesity, hormonal changes in the body for women, any condition like constipation, tumors, wearing girdles that can increase the pressure in the abdomen and injury to the skin. The problem affects women more than men that increases with age.

How would you know?

Pain in the legs is a common symptom that is often felt like cramping or aching. The legs become heavy and you have a restless feeling accompanied by throbbing, burning and tingling that leaves you tired. If you are relieved of the pain by raising your legs then it is a sure sign of the disease.

The treatment

There are several options for spider vein treatment depending on the severity of the problem.

  • Surgery – There are various surgical procedures that are used for the treatment of spider veins that have grown quite large. The most common technique is removal of a long section of vein and tying it off. Another method known as ambulatory phlebectomy involves large surface veins being removed through minimal incisions that can heal without sutures or stitching.
  • Sclerotherapy – A specially made detergent or a salt solution that is highly concentrated is injected into the vein to make it disappear in about 6 weeks.
  • Radio frequency occlusion – The vein wall is heated, made to collapse and then sealed by the use of radio frequency energy that is delivered through a catheter that is pushed into the vein.
  • Endovenous laser treatment – In this process of treatment a small laser fiber is driven into the vein and the laser light acts on the vein that makes it collapse.

Barring some kinds of surgeries, most of these treatments can be carried out at day care clinics.