If you are here today in the search for the best subscene alternative, then yes, you’ve landed in the right place. For those who don’t know, subscene is a free web application that allows you to find and download subtitles of literally any movie you name, in any language. If you are looking for alternatives to subscene, it’s obvious that you love watching movies, TV shows and seasons.

One of the main reasons why this site got so popular is that it helped people in watching and understanding movies with different languages. For example, if you are a Chinese who wants to watch an English movie, you could always easily find subtitles for it on subscene and then watch it without any hassle.

If you are here to know about the best subscene alternatives, then stick till the end. We are now going to jot down the names of some of the best sites where you can get subtitles of your choice;

Open Subtitles FlixTools

If you want to download subtitles for your favorite movies and Tv shows in the fastest possible way, then Open Subtitles FlixTools is what you should be trying right now. It’s one of the best alternatives to subscene, and we assure you that you won’t be disappointed with your experience. It’s one of the largest, rich in features platform. The best part about it is that it allows users to download multiple subtitles of different movies, all in a single go. You just have to drag and drop the video file that you are looking for the subtitles for, and this site’s search engine will quickly provide you the results.


Looking for a free platform for Windows or Linux operating systems? If yes, then try SubiT. This program supports various different languages, so you don’t have to worry about that either. It’s a simple platform with an easy to use interface, and once you start using it, you’ll see how it has the same website like subscene. Just like the one mentioned above, this website is also all about dragging and dropping your video or using the search bar to search for the subtitles for your favorite show/movie. For faster results, try it!


Another amazing website that can help you locate all those subtitles that you want for your movies, tv shows, and seasons. The best part about this platform is that it’s free to use, and you won’t have to worry about paying even a single penny. It’s an outstanding feature-rich platform that comes with an easy to use and simple interface. It’s just like one of the sites like subscene, and we can bet on the fact that you won’t ever have trouble using this site even if it’s your first time that you are looking for subtitles. You get all the subtitles for all movies, ranging from classic to modern. It supports more than 35 languages, which makes it a must-try no matter which country you belong to.


Do you want a next-level platform that can help you get the subtitles you want for your movies? If yes, then try Subtitles. It’s a Mac and Window program that automatically downloads the subtitles for you. Simply drop the movie or the video that you want the subtitles for, and it will automatically download them and put them in front of you. This one also supports multiple languages, which means that it’s an effective tool if you want to find subtitles for a movie that you don’t know the language of.


On number 5, we have SubDownloader for you. It’s another powerful program that comes with the fastest service possible. You can quickly download the subtitles and even upload the subtitles using hashtags for different movies. Someone who is looking for sites similar to subscene should try this downloader. The only issue that you might face will be with the downloading process. It’s a little complicated and difficult to understand, but once you learn how to use this program, you will then never face any other problem. We’d totally recommend you try this program and see how things turn out to be for you. Even if you want subtitles for a whole season, you’ll get them here without having to worry about anything.


It’s true that finding the right and the most authentic site to download subtitles is difficult. Even if you do find a site, you’ll probably end up paying a small fee for it. But as you are looking for a free website, you should try Caption. It’s the best platform to date with the simplest and the easiest to use interface. With it, you just have to drag and drop your video, get the subtitles and download them, and you can also rename the file so that you can quickly start watching your favorite movie without any delays.


Wouldn’t you love software that allows you to automatically search and download subtitles for you? If that’s a yes, then try FileBot. It’s an amazing subtitle downloading software that offers access to subs belonging to more than 38 languages. We’d totally recommend you try this site because it offers the same features and the same ease just like subscene. It comes with various other features and tools that will help you organize and rename your movies and shows without getting into any complications.

As far as our final thoughts are concerned, if you are looking for a legit and authentic subscene alternative, then try any one of the above-mentioned sites. All these sites similar to subscene are worth your time and your efforts. These easy to use programs will enhance your entertainment and your obsession for movies. Especially if you are interested in watching movies of other languages, then use these platforms, download the subtitles in your language and watch them. We promise you that it will all be worth a try.