Trail Running in Utah In Utah, you can do a lot of activities outdoors. Most of these outdoor activities require gear like mountain bikes, kayaks, rock-climbing stuff, and more which can cost more than a thousand dollars to purchase. And not only that, you also need to spend for extra gear that would allow you to transport these gear to the activities destination which would make the expense bigger. However, there is a solution for enjoying the outdoors without having to shell out thousands of dollars even before you get to the site, and that is trail running. You can do trail running even with an inexpensive pair of running shoes. But there are some people who have started the craze of running without shoes, and some even run almost shoeless. If you don’t want to spend on running shoes, then it will be a good idea to join these barefoot runners. When you pass mountain bikers as you run up the hill barefoot, they will envy you while the trudge along with their expensive machines. The Bonneville Shoreline Trail in Salt Lake City is a favorite among the locals and can be accessed from many points in the city. This place provides a great escape from urban life and is very much visited by hikers, mountain bikers, and runners. This place has more than 13 miles of continuous trails and is a favorite of office workers of downtown Salt Lake City. Mount Tumpanogod trails in Utah County is also a favorite among the fast runners. This place gets filled with people during the weekends not only by runners who ply the trails but also for adventure seekers who simply want to see the beauty of nature. In this place there are plenty of wildflowers, wildlife and amazing views.

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In Davis Country is the Antelope island which has 20 miles of trails around. If you want to see the awesome beauty of the Great Salt Lake and its surroundings, you will if you run around this trail. It also boasts of beautiful mountain ranges encircling the horizon. Running in this area is easy because it does not include rock climbs.

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Hunter Canyon offers a mellow run in the desert. It is made up of sandy red-rock paths in a four mile stretch crisscrossing a seasonal creek. If you want a much more strenuous adventure, you can try the Pritchett Canyon which is a 12 mile loop. In this adventure you need lots of water to drink. The summit of Pfeifferhorn can be an all day hiking adventure to the summit. However, if you decide to run to the summit, you can get there is a shorter time depending on how fit you are. If you’d also like to engage in some good old hunting exercise and hunt down game then you’ll have to look outside of the parks, onto private properties within the outskirts. Guns are allowed but hunting must be with a license, and while you’re at it only purchase firearms & tactical equipment that you can rely on. This is located in the heart of Lone Peak Wilderness and it is one of the most beautiful peaks in this place.